Friday, November 13, 2009


Why do we love this stinking rose so? Allium Sativum has been used through out history for both culinary and medicinal purposes. It has been used to treat everything from acne to the plague. Used as insect repellent and vampire repellent. Garlic is a welcome addition to almost any soup and almost everything I cook. Garlic is both exploited and respected. Exploited when we use it for absolutelty everything without ever considering the beauty of this plant. We chop it grind it peel it roast it and sometimes we even waste it. Our love for garlic at time leads to obsession. Using it like salt in every dish we make. What if Miles Davis played the same note in abundance in every composition. Davis once said that the essense of jazz is knowing when not to play. The spaces between the notes. Garlic is respected when we understand how to reserve its beautiful potentcy. Waiting for the right time, the right amount or maybe just this time ...none at all.

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